Welcome to Chuckonia! Off and on, this is the online base for my random ramblings, tales of fatherhood, issue opinions, and commentary on the world in which I grew up and live. Hope you find something you like. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Chuckonian View of an Iron Frist

We hear that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) has publicly changed his stance on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. In Chuckonia, we have complex and complicated views on stem cell research itself. However, we fully understand the political implications and assumed implications (by the media) of a move such as that which Doctor Senator Frist has taken. That is what we're here to talk about this morning - the implications, not the stem cells. We say morning as it is morning when we write, and we hope your morning is as bright as ours. And now, for commentary from the leader of the Chuckonian Federation...
As a Tennessean, a Republican, and a lay citizen, I like Bill Frist. He's had a great career as a doctor and philanthropist, and I truly admire the fact that he still practices medicine in some form even now as a Senator (working legislators had practically died out when the federal Congress took on a more year-round role many years ago). When making his support of federally funded stem cell research public, Senator Frist said that he was thinking like a doctor and a scientist. One cannot blame him for this, as he has been such for a far longer time than he has been a Republican or a Senator (the fact that he did not register to vote until he was several years advanced from voting age does, naturally, disturb us). Some would say that he's got nothing to lose in the Senate by disagreeing with President Bush, since he's promised Tennessee that he would not seek re-election in 2006 (a heated race of challengers has already begun here). Others say that he is only trying to appease the slightly more liberal Republicans in his possible quest for a 2008 presidential run. I doubt a Republican in any realm would see this issue as one so advantageous, since (quite honestly) most Americans do not understand the issue well enough to make it a "make or break" question when going to the polls. Therefore, I simply say that I am proud of my Senator, not for coming out against the President on this issue and not for playing what could be a brilliantly sly political move (if it were one), but for swallowing his pride and his politics in a world of media vultures and ignorant elitists and speaking his mind (as long as that doesn't include declaring "I am the Senate" in true Palpatine fashion). That is something we pride in the Chuckonian Federation.
As for stem cell research itself, we will not discuss it today. Perhaps in a later entry, when more thought and analysis can be given to the issue, we will. As for now, that's the view from Chuckonia.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spoke with a Frist intern today about that very subject and was quickly informed that this was not a change in stance at all, but merely a clarification. It turns out that the main "turnaround" was on opening a new number of stem cell lines because the numbers currently available are insufficient for needed research. It's not too big of a change, but the media has jumped on it and perhaps a bit of positive press will do the senator good.

1:11 PM

Blogger The Chucko said...

We thank Chris for this clarification. Indeed, the Chucko did not mean to suggest that Senator Frist had made a complete shift on the stem cell issue. Perhaps we did not clarify ourselves. Either way, we did want to commend the Senator on having no fear in announcing what is, still, a disagreement with the (as we sometimes call Pres. Bush) "leader of the party." On that note, let us be reminded that the leader of any party is the common ground held by its members. That principle is alive here, as Bush and Frist can see an issue differently yet share Republican ties.

1:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chuck, throw out some of the names beside Harold Ford Jr. who are seeking the 2006 Senatorial spot. I'm curious and would like to know. Thanks.

8:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck - my all time favorite president and small town policial activist, you constantly throw me goodies and a new blog is one of them-- so are new suggestions on gf's. I love you.

1:30 AM

Blogger The Chucko said...

We respond here to Ian, who asked about the candidates in the Frist seat race. Naturally, Rep. Harold Ford Jr. is the Democratic front-runner. We are not aware, nor are we afraid, of any other Democratic "hopefuls" for the seat. As for Republicans, the currently running primary candidates are as follows: former Rep. Van Hilleary, former Rep. Ed Bryant, State Rep. Beth Harwell, and former Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker. To be clear to Ian and any other interested readers, the Chucko is, personally, in full support of Ed Bryant. He's a good and honest man, he was a great Representative of my district of Tennessee, and I feel he would be a good complement to Senator Alexander's leadership and style.

9:23 AM

Blogger Geepopotam said...

Okay, so I fianlly got around to reading this blog, and while I must say that the first person plural is going to drive me crazy, I'll still read. Firstly, I respect the fact that Senator Frist at least appears to be thinking for himself, and not just as another "yes-man" to George Bush. Secondly, while the ruler of the Chuckonian Federation is speaking of implications, I request that he address the issue of Karl Rove, George Bush, the media, etc. in the leak of CIA agent Valerie Plame's identity.

9:59 AM


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