Welcome to Chuckonia! Off and on, this is the online base for my random ramblings, tales of fatherhood, issue opinions, and commentary on the world in which I grew up and live. Hope you find something you like. Thanks for reading!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Who we are in Chuckonia...

I am Chuck, founder and leader of the Chuckonian Federation. While I am as full-of-myself as a small-town-bred Southern boy has right to be, I'm really a down-to-Earth and fun guy. I believe everyone deserves to have their own realm and their own avenue for venting, professing, agreeing, disagreeing, and sometimes just pissing people off. In this age of cyber-powered opinionating, I now have an easy and (scary as it is) global avenue to share my thoughts with others (for whatever they're worth).
To clarify, the Chuckonian Federation is more than just my God-complex made manifest, it has a past. I shall briefly explain. I have twice, at present, had the honor of serving as a counselor for Tennessee's Governor's School for International Studies, a program that I also participated in when in high school. As a counselor, I viewed without participating - most of the time. During the Model United Nations simulation in 2004 (my first year as a counselor), I sat in the back of an auditorium wishing to be in action again. I took a random sheet of paper and a blue marker and created a placard for an imaginary nation, called "the Chuckonian Federation." Over the following nights, I gave Chuckonia (for short) a whole fictional national identity. I won't go into all of that, but basically that is the namesake of my cyber-speaking realm. As I am the ruler of Chuckonia, I also may speak in the collective first person in this blog like the monarchs of old. May as well, since that makes an opinion seem more like it has a mass following.
Ok, more about me and the "conditions" of this blog. First of all, there are no real conditions, except that You, the Reader, do not take me too seriously and that You forgive my craziness, occasional fanaticism, quirks, and randomness of topics. This is a blog to contain serious opinions about not-always-serious things.
To offer some disclaimer before I actually start blogging (and this is in no particular order)... I am 21; a working college student; a Christian, a Republican; a Southerner; a rural small-town boy who grew up "in town" (not on a farm); a natural-born American; a Political-Science major and a political enthusiast (specifically, I am President of the University of Memphis College Republicans); a devoted fan of Star Wars, James Bond, and Ernest P. Worrell (God rest his soul); and, yes, as the name "Chuck" hopefully implies, I am a man.
I would also like to offer a word of thanks and a plug for another blog. My inspiration in this endeavor is another (and far wiser) blogger. My dear childhood friend, Donald Bryson inspired me to blog when I became a fan of his blog, "The Absolute." Be sure to check it out at http://appalachianvoice.blogspot.com/
With all that said, let's blog. Help me out, though, I need feedback.



Blogger Lyn said...

hey sugar! lovin' your blog- i'll check up on your ranting everynow and again! you can keep up with me on mine www.someplacedotcom.blogspot.com . i use it mostly during school, so, after august 18th, it will be crammed full of my views, opinions, and daily-ish rants about life in general. love you much.

6:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey chuck!! it's kendall from GSIS '04. awesome blog - man, i miss you!

10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA! I love you so much Chuck!!!!

This is going to be veeeeery interesting!! :)

I'll be back to memphis on sunday... when are you coming back?!?

Love ya bunches!

10:42 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

How did I just now find this? Excited to catch up!!

9:16 PM


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