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Saturday, February 13, 2010

We STILL Are The World

We in Chuckonia were heartbroken to hear of the devastating effects of the earthquakes that recently struck the island nation of Haiti. However, as with all great tragedy there has emerged much compassion, unity, and generosity from around the planet. While the greatest expressions of these ideals are the silent, unseen contributions of time, effort, supplies, and funds from "regular, everyday" folks, it has been a joy to see another special expression of help come at this time. 25 years after the original recording and charitable sale of the song "We Are The World," a new group of talented entertainers (including Gladys Knight, Celine Dion, Tony Bennett, Miley Cyrus, Fergie, Jamie Foxx, Jeff Bridges, Zac Brown, Snoop Dogg, Brian Wilson, and numerous others) have come together to celebrate the strength of the human spirit and to lend their time and talents to generate increased contributions for the victims of the Haiti disaster. Watch both music videos [original on YouTube - new on YouTube], remember where you were and how you felt the first time you heard this inspiring song, then feel it all over again as you enjoy the new and truly remarkable rendition of, what can now be called, a timeless classic. Then, most importantly, decide what YOU can do to help our neighbors to the south - there are plenty of ways. Even in this time of economic recession, we must do what we can individually and collectively to reach out to our fellow men and women. In 1985 or 2010, we STILL are the ones who make a brighter day.



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